Daily Toothbrushing Tips From a General Dentist

General Dentist Phoenix, AZ

Your general dentist is here to provide some information about how to best take care of your teeth. Dental health and hygiene are essential to the overall health and wellness of your body. Without healthy teeth and gums, you will be unable to take in the nutrients and proteins necessary for your body to thrive and survive. Plus, failure to have healthy teeth could put you at risk for a variety of issues in the future. 

Taking care of your teeth is extremely important to ensure that you only get good news from your dentist at your bi-annual checkup. The key to good oral care is the consistency of a few good habits. Here are a few guidelines and rules to live by to keep your teeth healthy. 

Brush twice a day gently for two minutes

Every general dentist will advise you to brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes. However, if you brush your teeth too aggressively, it could lead to losing the enamel that is vital to protecting your teeth. Brushing too aggressively can also damage your games which is very painful when eating and drinking. Instead, focus on brushing your teeth gently, but thoroughly. Take care to get to the hard-to-reach areas. 

Only use a soft toothbrush

Some people make the mistake of thinking that you need a hard bristle to get a good clean. This is simply not true. Using a toothbrush where the bristles are too stiff can also lead to damaged tooth enamel and gums. Although some people prefer the feel of a more rigid brush against their teeth, this is not encouraged as the risks outweigh the rewards. Focus on choosing a soft toothbrush that cleans your teeth without damaging the gums. 

Don’t use the same toothbrush too long

It's important to replace your toothbrush regularly. You shouldn’t use the same toothbrush for more than 3 or 4 months at a time. Using a toothbrush for too long will lead to the bristles breaking down, and the brush will lose its effectiveness. Additionally, every time you use your toothbrush, you risk leaving behind harmful bacteria that have been removed from your teeth. Changing your toothbrush out regularly reduces the risk of this happening. Help yourself out by setting up a reminder to switch out your toothbrush or a fresh one every few months. 

Make sure your toothbrush is dry before each use 

Some think that by putting their toothbrush in a closed container, they keep bacteria and particles away from their brush. They are, in fact doing just the opposite. Letting your toothbrush sit out to dry between uses will keep harmful bacteria such as mold from growing on your wet toothbrush. Store your toothbrush in a secure location that is less likely to come into contact with other bacteria and germs. 

Teach brushing your teeth at a young age

It's critical that young children are taught to brush their teeth properly as soon as possible. The younger a person is when they learn a new habit, the more likely it is to stick. Teaching children proper brushing techniques at a young age makes them more likely to keep the practice as they grow older. Be patient with this process, and try to make it enjoyable. Consider playing music for the duration of the brushing, or even reward daily brushing to encourage young children to stick with it. 

Fluoride toothpaste is essential

There are definite benefits to fluoride. Fluoride can build tooth enamel which protects against harmful tooth decay. Be careful not to swallow the fluoride, but instead rinse thoroughly. 

Everyone gets their own toothbrush

Sharing toothbrushes is a recipe for disaster. While it may be cost-effective and practical only to have one toothbrush, it can also be dangerous. Sharing toothbrushes could lead to sharing bacteria and other harmful particles with whoever is using the toothbrush. Keeping your toothbrush to yourself is very important in protecting your dental health. Consider storing your toothbrush in a secure location so that nobody has accidental access to it. 

Talk to your dentist for more helpful tips

Brushing your teeth is extremely important in maintaining your overall health and well-being. If you’re worried that what you’re doing isn’t enough, then contact your general dentist to make sure your teeth are staying healthy. They can give you additional advice about good oral hygiene tips that will help keep your smile looking and functioning at its best. 

Request an appointment here: https://modernsmilesaz.com or call Modern Smiles Family Dentistry at (602) 362-7065 for an appointment in our Phoenix office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Phoenix, AZ.

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