Implant Dentistry – Tooth Replacement That Looks and Feels Natural

Implant Dentistry - Tooth Replacement That Looks and Feels Natural from Modern Smiles Family Dentistry in Phoenix, AZImplant dentistry offers a tooth replacement solution that looks and feels natural. This is due in large part to the implant, which fuses together with the jawbone and serves as the support and root of the replacement tooth. This review discusses the unique benefits of choosing implant dentistry to replace a missing tooth.

The benefits of implant dentistry for tooth replacement

The most notable benefits of implant dentistry are a more durable solution, fewer dietary restrictions, improved mouth function, an attractive smile, and the ability to preserve jawbone density. The following is a more in-depth review of each benefit of implant dentistry.

A long-term and durable solution

A dental implant restoration lasts longer on average than a fixed bridge or partial denture. This is because the dental implant, which is made of titanium, fuses together with the jawbone to create a strong bond and long-term hold. In fact, many patients keep their dental implants for a lifetime without needing any major repairs or replacement.

Minimal dietary restrictions

One of the concerns with many who choose removable dentures is that the dentures may come loose while they are eating. This is not a concern with dental implants as they function just the same as natural teeth. In fact, there are not any additional restrictions as to what cannot be eaten with dental implants, although avoiding an excess amount of sticky or hard foods is encouraged.

Improved function

Not only can dental implants improve mouth function while chewing, but it also has helped many patients speak with confidence as well. The loss of a tooth (or multiple teeth) can make it more challenging to speak the way we desire, and dental implants can restore the ability to do so in an ideal manner.

An attractive appearance

Tooth replacement with implant dentistry also restores the appearance of the patient’s smile to an optimal level, particularly if their adjacent natural teeth or teeth replacement restorations are in good condition. This provides many with the confidence they need to live each day the way they desire without feeling insecure.

Preserves jawbone density

One of the concerns with alternative treatment options for replacing a missing tooth is that they do not preserve the density of the jawbone. Implant dentistry, however, helps ensure that bone inside of the jaw is not lost.

An easy oral care routine

Lastly, patients who choose implant dentistry for tooth replacement can also care for their new tooth as if it were a natural one. This means they must keep it clean by brushing and flossing and avoid damaging it by biting down too hard on foods and other hard substances.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Implant Dentist in Phoenix, AZ

Implant dentistry can help you regain confidence in your smile

Implant dentistry may be right for you if you are missing one or more teeth and want a long-term, reliable, and attractive replacement solution. To find out more about implant dentistry and to see how treatment can benefit you, schedule a consultation with our dental practice.

Request an appointment or call Modern Smiles Family Dentistry at 602-362-7065 for an appointment in our Phoenix office.

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