The Importance of a Routine Dental Check-up and Cleaning

Routine Dental Care Phoenix, AZ

We all try our best to take care of our oral health, and a routine dental check-up is certainly an important part of that. We brush, floss, try to eat properly, and avoid acidic drinks, but we can't neglect regular visits to the dentist to take care of our teeth, gums, tongue, and throat. 

A routine dental check-up and cleaning are essential to maintaining a healthy mouth. This article will discuss the importance of regular dental visits and some common questions new patients have about visiting the dentist.

Why are regular dental visits important?

That's a question many people ask. The answer is simple: to catch any problems early on so you can get effective treatment before it's too late. The American Dental Association recommends that patients visit their dentist at least twice each year for routine dental check-ups and cleanings - one in the spring and another toward the end of the calendar year.

Why is it important to brush and floss daily?

To keep your teeth clean, healthy, and free of plaque. Plaque is a sticky film that forms on tooth surfaces when bacteria in the mouth mix with sugars from the food you eat. Brushing helps scrub the teeth surfaces of plaque and debris, and flossing helps to get into the areas we can't reach by brushing alone. 

Plaque buildup is primarily responsible for tooth decay and sensitivity and can even lead to cavities and gum disease if left untreated. 

What happens during a dental check-up?

It includes an examination by our dentist or hygienist to look for signs of possible oral disease, such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. We will also look for signs of systemic (whole-body) diseases like diabetes or osteoporosis, which can affect the health of your teeth.

Depending on your overall oral health, the dentist may recommend additional treatments services to address any underlying issues. This may include dental restoration work, cosmetic dentistry, and other care to get your mouth in great shape and looking its best. 

A dental cleaning is an excellent way to remove plaque that you may not be able to reach with toothbrush bristles alone - particularly under the gumline, where it can cause gum disease and tooth decay. Your cleaning will include a detailed exam of your teeth, gums, and mouth to check for any signs of oral cancer or other diseases that may need treatment.

Why is an x-ray important?

An X-ray is used to find hidden dental problems like cavities between the teeth that cannot be seen or felt during a regular exam. If we can see a problem on an x-ray, it is usually safe and easy to treat.

What can I expect during my consultation?

The dentist will ask you questions about your health goals, dental history, and review of systems to make sure there are no signs or symptoms that would indicate a problem with another area of the body. Patients need to be aware of their overall physical well-being to help them achieve the healthiest mouth possible.

The dentist and dental hygienist are highly trained professionals who work together to ensure your experience is as comfortable and pleasant as possible.

What should I expect during a visit?

Root canals, cavities, teeth cleanings, what exactly happens at the dentist's office? Many people are curious about what their first appointment will be like when they walk into the building for the first time. The dentist visit should be a positive experience where patients can get their questions answered and feel comfortable with the process of care.

We even have extra steps available for those with high sensitivity or anxiety issues when visiting the dentist. We have options available such as oral sedatives and local anesthesia, to provide a comfortable and relaxing experience that ensures you get the care you need even if you have difficulty going to the dentist for treatment. 

What should I expect during my dental cleaning?

Many patients are surprised by what they hear from their dentist or hygienist when the time comes for their first visit. Our professional team will make sure you feel comfortable and understand everything going on.

Every dental hygienist has their unique style, but every cleaning appointment aims to remove plaque and tartar (hardened bacteria deposits) from your teeth. They perform the cleaning with special tools like hand-held scrapers called curettes or ultrasonic instruments that vibrate at high speeds to remove plaque.

Schedule an appointment today

It's important to make your oral health a priority. If you haven't already done so, it's time to schedule in routine dental check-up and cleaning. Contact your dentist today to get your next visit on the calendar. 

Request an appointment here: or call Modern Smiles Family Dentistry at (602) 362-7065 for an appointment in our Phoenix office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Routine Dental Check-Up in Phoenix, AZ.

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